This past week I had the opportunity to be an 8th grade camp counselor for Prairie’s 7th grade Outdoor Education Week. I felt like I was able to use my scouting skills and leadership abilities during camp and with the class I helped lead. I was able to be prepared when packing my bag for camp by remembering the essentials, but looking back one thing I should have brought was shower shoes. The floor in the shower room wasn't the most pleasant, but the showers were still useable. When it came to classes, I helped with the survival class. As a scout, this is a little bit self explanatory, when applying I thought my skills would be most helpful for the survival class and that is the class I was selected for. When I was out there, these are the things I had to help with. First was managing the fire. I made sure that it was still burning and fueled. Next was to make sure that kids were behaving. I also encouraged kids to participate by helping them, and doing the activity along with them. Misbehaving students put my leadership abilities to the test. This is because almost each cabin would have a kid that either wouldn't want to listen to directions or just think he was too cool for school. At bedtime, my cabin was pretty quiet. The teacher only had to come in once to tell everyone it was bedtime. Another way that I had to show leadership was my participation in the songs and skits. As camp counselors we had to be excited to sing the songs. I was worried that they wouldn't enjoy the songs, but by the end of the week they couldn't stop singing them. In the end camp was just as enjoyable, even working as a camp counselor. If you want to be a counselor ask your 7th grade homeroom teacher for the application. Write honestly and don’t forget to tell about your special skills. Make sure you behave in 8th grade. by: Jacob K., Troop 37